These soundproofing material kits are expertly designed so you can line your case with our highly effective noise dampening acoustic composite. Our materials:
thoroughly acoustically researched and proven to be effective
the market in generous sizing and thorough documentation
Acousti Products designed the AcoustiFan DustPROOF range. These quiet fans are:
truly ultra-quiet in operation
to stay quiet
quality build and balance
We developed anti-vibration products for cooling fans and PC / server cases. These products minimise vibrations to assist you in your pursuit of 'ultimate noise reduction'.
made from ultra-soft silicone polymer
decouple the component to eliminate vibrations
If you have any ideas regarding potential products, or feedback on our existing products, then please contact us.
These components are manufactured and
supplied direct exclusively by Quiet
PC LLP, tel: 01653 668000.
Acousti Products (a division of The Rack People Ltd) promotes these products for and on behalf of Quiet PC LLP, which has sole responsibility for its manufacture, supply & delivery.
UK & Global Distributor: QuietPC.com
USA & Canada Distributor: Quiet PC USA