The newly revised Deluxe version contains a set of 3 large self-adhesive Acoustic Composite sheets providing maximum soundproofing. The pack dimensions are so generous this product will line the inside of a large tower or desktop case - making this product ideal for larger-volume computer cases or for users who require the very highest standard of noise insulation. The two different thicknesses of acoustic material offer a greater degree of flexibility and fitting customisation.
The Deluxe pack contains a thicker Acoustic Composite sheet featuring our unique AcoustiContour anechoic surface. This is ideally suited for case side doors opposite large sources of noise, like a CPU fan. The Deluxe pack also contains 3 additional pre-cut rectangular blocks of Acoustic Foam for insertion into any suitable spare 3½ & 5¼-inch drive bays.
AcoustiContour is an advanced acoustic surface designed to minimise sound wave reflection by increasing the surface area by approx. 45%.
Please take care to read the installation recommendations before installing this product. These materials are installed at the installer's own risk.
Reviews and Feedback |
"Only a very small handful of PC’s today are deliberately
manufactured to be generally quiet, including under the most extreme circumstances.
With thousands of manufacturers and various specifications, it is nearly impossible
to create a seamlessly quiet PC, or so one thought. The advantage of AcoustiPack
Deluxe is primarily the fact that it virtually replaces all the other noise-reduction
products on market by completely eliminating any emitted sounds from your
case… period. Such an approach puts many other similar products in the
useless category and raises AcoustiPack Deluxe to a level of performance
I only hope QuietPC.com continues throughout their future line of products. |
"The Deluxe AcoustiPack by Acousti Products represents
a thorough and effective approach to dampening materials for
computer cases... Whether you consider AcoustiPack damping
a necessity or a luxury really depends on the approach you
take to PC quieting, and on your noise standards. Regardless,
Acousti Products have clearly come up with a useful tool to
add to the PC silencer's toolbox." Awarded 'Recommended'
Status |
"Well it is a load of foam and I have to admit I did
have reservations about the point of using this product in
the beginning, however I would highly recommend this product
to the overclocker / cooler and for lighter system users maybe
the Standard pack as this foam 'kills' noise. It's defiantly
worth the £40 and works a treat. It's surprising how
much quieter the system is without the previously unnoticed
vibrations and the humming of the fans this really does dampen
sound very well." Awarded a 4-Star Rating:
"...The process of fitting the AcoustiPack Deluxe into our test mini-tower took about 30 minutes and, subjectively, it seemed to deaden the sound down to about half it's previous level. If you fit whisper-quiet fans as well, your PC should be inaudible. When measuring the processor temperature via the BIOS display, the padding didn't make it run any hotter, even after a few hours use..." |
"This is probably the most expensive 'part' I bought.
Basically, you cover the inside of your case with this stuff
and it dampens the sound. This is amazing - I thought it would
not make a big difference, but I was surprised how much difference
it made - a MUST buy." |
"My first trial were sound damping panels bought in a local handyman shop. Even though they were quite thick panels, the noise reduction was not very significant. Then I came across the site of Acousti Products and later on QuietPC.com when looking for case isolation. I did buy a new case for my computer, a Chieftec Midi-tower, threw away the old case isolation from the handyman store and the old case/CPU fans and installed the New AcoustiPack Deluxe v2 & 3 quiet case fans & 2 new Arial CPU fans, all bought at QuietPC.com. "At first, I was quiet skeptical, was it worth all the money? After installing the materials into my case, I was most satisfied. The noise reduction was very significant, even though I had my doubts when installing the AcoustiPack Deluxe carpets since the carpets where very thick. Air circulation in the case was not bothered at all, my Dual P3 system even ran cooler than before. "The noise reduction was so significant that I was able to move my computer back to the living room. I'm using the system now for watching Internet Video - where as before this was impossible because of all the noise. I think the AcoustiPack Deluxe carpets & the quiet fans from QuietPC.com have reduced the sound emitted by the system by 75% and are worth their money. If you want to quiet computer, you won't regret upgrading your system with the AcoustiPack Deluxe and some quiet case/CPU fans." Nico Vanden Eynde, Belgium |