Acousti Products began because we set out to reduce the irritating and distracting noise emanating from our own computers! We first replaced noisy components with quiet equivalents such as silent PSUs and quiet processor coolers and silent hard disk drives. We had caught the quietness bug. Not satisfied, we then looked for suitable sound-proofing materials to line the inside of our PC cases, and reaslised there was a need for high quality, effective soundproofing materials.
Over time we designed and produced a range of acoustic materials and quiet fan products, and gradually became respected experts in reducing computer noise. We worked on projects with Intel and other major players, and collaborated with the world's main supplier of active noise solutions.
After researching the market we realised many companies were struggling with office based computer noise coming from servers, comms and other IT equipment. A solution was needed that quietened rackmount noise whilst making sure that thermal dissipation was properly considered. In response to this need, we designed and launched what was probably the world's first Quiet Rack.
Over time quiet racks became our focus and we now work with
the main quiet rack manufacturers across the globe – assisting
them with design, testing prototypes and suggesting areas
for improvement. We were also the key driver to create the
world's Quiet Rack
global portal www.Quiet-Rack.com
Alongside this Acousti Products has been the prime mover in
creating and advocating the accepted global standard for Quiet
Rack standard test methodology. This can be seen at;
Quiet racks are becoming widely accepted as the preferable option to expensive, inefficient and inflexible server rooms. Quiet racks are specifically designed to provide the ideal environment for the ICT equipment (cool, dust filtered and resilient) – whilst allowing quick and convenient deployment of equipment virtually anywhere in the workplace. All without the negative environmental impact of air-conditioning.
We now work with partners across the globe from the USA to Australia and across Europe to provide customers worldwide with a better solution ~ quiet racks, supplied with expert independent advice, the widest choice, and at great prices!
In the process of finding and improving the best quiet rack solutions for our clients, we quickly found that although for some people the driving force for their enquiry was noise reduction, other clients needed a different set of solutions. In response we thoroughly researched and tested other types of solutions to cover issues such as cooling, anti-vibration, IP (ingress protection), security, on-board intelligence, upgradeability and flexibility. Suddenly, although we still were (and still are) the quiet rack experts, we needed a new name to reflect our larger capacity to solve a more comprehensive range of IT rackmount problems. Our company name became The Rack People Ltd in May 2013, with Acousti Products continuning to be our brand name for quiet racks.
Under the Rack People™ umbrella, we now operate within three divisions to facilitate both our original and newly expanded industry expertise;
We are also listed in the Green Business Directory as an accredited Carbon Trust
supplier. The Green Directory is an index of high quality energy efficient
equipment suppliers, a scheme created by The Carbon Trust - a world-leading
organisation helping businesses move faster towards a low carbon economy.