Avoid the costs of building and running expensive and inefficient server rooms. Increasingly our customers are seeking solutions not just for IT noise but in handling the thermal output of the equipment in an efficient way.
Air conditioning a server room to keep equipment temperatures low is rather like cooling a kitchen to keep the milk fresh. In the same way that it makes more sense to have a fridge in a kitchen (and only cool the fridge!) a specially designed server cabinet can avoid the high cost of wasted energy caused by a server room as well as deal with noise issues. In addition, server and data centre cooling has a damaging impact on the environment. Already the energy utilized to cool computers is more than 2% of global energy consumed – and a higher environmental impact from the aviation industry!
Acousti Products works closely with 19" rack manufacturers worldwide to source innovative cooling solutions that use diverse cooling techniques. We can assist you in solving heat (and noise) issues using air cooled, air conditioned and free cooling water based rack systems.
We would be delighted to begin the process of improving your environment and the environment at large in ways that will dramatically reduce set and running costs of server rooms and in many cases avoid the costs of server room completely.
So improve your office environment, dramatically reduce costs and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time!!
For more information visit our cooling rack solutions website, call us on 0121 725 1900 or send us a message.